What is the Average ACT Score Needed to Get Into North Central Colorado Schools?

The average composite ACT score at North Central College is 25, which is considered an above average performance. This score of 25 out of 36 points indicates that you have achieved 61% of the total possible points. If your score of 22 points does not meet the requirements of your preferred university, you may want to consider enrolling in an exam preparation course to improve your score. To score in the 90th percentile (or the highest 10%), you'd need to get 31 in English and reading, and 28 in math and science.

If North Central College is currently out of your reach, there are still other schools in North Central Colorado that may be more attainable. We have compiled a list of schools based on their average ACT scores and acceptance rates. These schools offer similar opportunities for admission as North Central College and may be more attainable depending on your individual circumstances. It is important to remember that while having a good ACT score can help you get into college, it is not the only factor that will determine your success. You should also focus on getting good grades in high school and participating in extracurricular activities that demonstrate your commitment to learning and personal growth. If you are interested in attending a school in North Central Colorado, it is essential to understand what kind of ACT scores are required for admission.

The average composite ACT score at North Central College is 25, with a 25th percentile score of 22 and a 75th percentile score of 28. This means that if you score 22 or higher on the ACT, you are performing better than most other test takers across the country. To be competitive for admission into North Central College, you should aim for a score of 28 or higher.