Do North Central Colorado Schools Enable College and Career Readiness?

The ICAP (Individual Career and Academic Plan) is a powerful and intentional connection between career preparation and college. It is in line with other Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness (PWR) programs in Colorado, and serves as the vehicle through which students can explore their future after high school, and plan for their next steps. The ICAP is a multi-year process, which will span the lives of students from middle school to adulthood. Colorado is now focusing on a meaningful process that results in a plan, by adopting research-based best practices and refreshing knowledge to carry out developmentally appropriate ICAP activities with high school students.

The Colorado Department of Education (CDE) has thanked professionals for their time, talent and dedication in dedicating more than a year to updating the ICAP guidelines, tools and resources. North Central Colorado has an impressive history with several of its schools, as can be seen in the variety of banners that hang in the gym. CEC Fort Collins High School (CECFCMS) is a free public charter school that welcomes ALL students from the Northern Colorado area and offers full-time and part-time enrollment for students studying at home and in non-public schools. It provides a small school environment with extensive school facilities, offerings and an excellent teaching and administrative team.

Robison teaches science and agriculture at the high school level at Destinations Career Academy of Colorado. Students in advanced education classes take an exam in May and, based on their grades, are eligible for college credit. A crosswalk is a document designed to support educators who work directly with students to help them become prepared and competent high school graduates, ready to enter the adult world. The school provides many opportunities to help students achieve their goals during high school and after high school. In response to the “growing achievement gap”, unacceptably high dropout rates across the state, the unacceptably low number of high school graduates who successfully continue and complete higher education, and an unacceptably high need for remediation among those continuing higher education, the Colorado legislature passed Senate Bill 08-212, the Colorado Plan of Achievement for Children (CAP4K). Destinations Career Academy of Colorado helps provide Rain with the training she needs to pursue her passion as a young business owner, entrepreneur, and high school student.

When all school leaders and educators are committed to ensuring that students acquire the knowledge, abilities, and aptitudes necessary to explore their professional and academic careers, the success of the ICAP process is part of the PWR-based school culture.